Pool Café opening at Bhubneswar

The team envisaged a grand opening of café at Bhubneswar. Unlike the previous openings, inauguration at Bhubneswar will always be remembered. Amidst world pandemic untimely blocking our ways, imposing strict restrictions imposed by Government, it was quite a task for the team to make the opening to be successful. By God’s grace and working hard, …

Pool Café opening at Bhubneswar

The team envisaged a grand opening of café at Bhubneswar. Unlike the previous openings, inauguration at Bhubneswar will always be remembered. Amidst world pandemic untimely blocking our ways, imposing strict restrictions imposed by Government, it was quite a task for the team to make the opening to be successful. By God’s grace and working hard, …

Pool Café opening at Kharagpur and Saltlake

Keka Mitra: Actress Tanushree Chakroborty at Pool Café’s branch opening.  While the whole world is wrecked by pandemic, there are some fearless people fighting hard to find a new way to rebuild business from ashes. Such a brave initiative is taken by Pool Cafe Club and Hospitality Pvt Ltd.  Amidst all chaos and disorder, Mr. …